About Company

The Company was Incorporated as a Public Limited as on 01st August, 1981 under the Companies Act, 1956 with the Name of ARDI INVESTMENT AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED at the Bombay.
The Company is incorporate for the Business of Investment and Trading in Shares and Debentures as well as also to provide the Finance, loans and Advances to the Corporates.
The Main Object of the Company is to finance industrial enterprises, and for that purpose to make loans, or advances to, or subscribe to the share capital of Private industrial enterprises in India. To carry on the business of an investment Company and in invest the capital and other moneys of the Company in the purchase or upon the security of shares, stocks. Units, debentures, debenture-stock bonds. Mortgages, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking. Whether incorporated or otherwise, and whosesoever constituted or carrying on business and to buy. Sell or otherwise deal in, "hares, stocks, debentures. Debenture stock, bonds, note' mortgages. Obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign, ruler, Commissioners, trust, municipal, local or other authority or body in India or abroad.
The Company also engaged in the Business of to acquire hold, sell, buy or deal in any shares. Stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and other securities by original subscription. Syndicate participation, tender, purchase, exchange, gift and to subscribe for the same. Either conditionally and to underwrite or sub-underwrite or guarantee the subscription thereof and to purchase and sell units. Also works to give guarantees and in particulars to guarantee the payment of any principal money, interest or other money secured by or payable under the Debentures, bonds, debenture-stock, mortgages, charges contracts, obligations and securities, and the payment of dividends on and the repayment of the capital of stock and shares.
The Company is also carry on the business as merchants, packers, traders commission agents, business agents, seller agents, brokers, adatia, buyers, sellers, indenters, importers, exporters, dealers in, commodities, minerals, ores, raw mater ills, manufactured products, goods and ware, plant, machinery, spares, accessories, tools, wool, raw silk, yarn fibers, garments, apparels, hand looms, cottage industries, poultry, and dairy milk products, oil seeds, tea, coffee, coca, spices, herbs, cosmetics, drugs, medicinal, products, tobacco, leather wares, timber products, rubber and rubber producs, plastics and plastic products, paper and paper products, electronics, steel and steel products, furnitures, hardware, building construction materials, days, chemicals, petrochemicals, products, fertilisers, colours, paints, glass and glassware ceramics, electrical items, household appliances, office equipment, stationers, automobile products, gold, silver, diamonds, precious stones and jewellers and to ad as Export House.